12 problems are plenty

«The only way to tell this story is to try to tell it truthfully and to know that you will fail.» (#463)

1. My 12 Favorite Problems

An inspiring piece by music writer Ted Gioia, on twelve big open-ended questions that guide his life’s work. They key is that they are big enough that you can spend decades looking for answers. And open-ended enough that you will keep finding new clues and will continue to re-shape your understanding of them. What are your favourite problems?

My 12 Favorite Problems
A dozen things that drive my writing, research, thinking & actions

Related: Patrick Collison's list of questions he finds interesting and would like to find answers to.

2. In the Cities of Killing

«The only way to tell this story is to try to tell it truthfully and to know that you will fail.» — Extraordinary dispatch from Israel, by The New Yorker editor David Remnick. Make this your weekend read, or better still: Listen to the audio version while going for a walk.

In the Cities of Killing
The Hamas massacre, the assaults on Gaza, and what comes after.

3. ​​An Extremely Detailed Map of New York City Neighborhoods

This is fascinating even if you're not very familiar with New York City: A detailed map, block by block, of what people call these hoods. On some, almost everyone agrees, for most though, not so much. (Gift link so you can check it out without a subscription.)

An Extremely Detailed Map of New York City Neighborhoods
More than 37,000 New Yorkers told us where their neighborhoods start and end. We mapped them all.