Weekly Filet #49: The Best of One Year. And that's it.
It's been a year now that I've launched the Weekly Filet as a one-year-experiment. Since then, I've recommended 251 things: Articles, books, music, infographics, photographs, cartoons, pieces of art – and, of course, more. Looking back at 48 issues of the Weekly Filet, I've compiled my favourite ten recommendations (in order of their appearance, with the original comment). However, feel free to browse the archive by yourself. It's worth it.
Now that the one-year-experiment comes to and end, it's time to 1. thank you for sticking around and 2. extend it to at least one more year. I'll continue the Weekly Filet as you know it. If you like what I do, spread the word.
My favourite recommendations of the year
Experts' takes of how things will evolve in different fields, from geopolitics to neuroscience, fashion to food, advertising to storytelling.
→ 20 Predictions For The Next 25 Years (The Observer)
An excellent write-up of where this new wave of protests, not only in the Middle-East, but also in European countries is originating from. "At the heart of it all is a new sociological type: the graduate with no future - with access to social media", writes BBC Newsnight's economics editor Paul Mason. The best part of the 20-theses-piece: It's not written as a closed analysis, but as a starting point for debates.
→ Twenty reasons why it's kicking off everywhere (BBC Newsnight)
When it comes to portrait photography, Martin Schoeller is hard to beat. Have a look at his portfolio, including the likes of Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg and Cate Blanchett. Jack Nicholson's eyes are giving me the creeps!
→ Portrait Photos by Martin Schoeller (Everyday I Show)
Be warned, this is addictive. From New York Times' intriguing "Smarter Than You Think" series comes a Rock-Paper-Scissors where you are duelling a computer that is getting smarter as you play, analysing your every move. Because, you know, in the long run, we can't help but being predictive. In veteran mode, I managed to keep things even up until round 50 (with an overproportional half of all rounds ending in a tie). But from there, it went all downhill for me. The algorithm had started to understand my thoughts.
→ Rock-Paper-Scissors: You vs. the Computer (New York Times)
Let us suppose you'd be given the chance to create a new voting system for your country, an "ideal one". What would you opt for? Here's a fascinating tour d'horizon of voting systems around the globe and through history. An unexpectedly great read.
→ Win or Lose (The New Yorker)
This is a must read for anyone who - in a broad sense - creates. To create meaning: turning ideas into reality. Austin Kleon, who made himself known for his brilliant Newspaper Blackout Poems, is providing us with a list, that he claims is essentially "me talking to a previous version of myself". 10 things he wished he knew when we was younger. My favourite: "Fake it ‘til you make it". I gladly repeat myself: this is a must read.
→ How To Steal Like An Artist (Austin Kleon)
How desperate a situation do you need to be in to consider killing and eating your friend to survive? Read this article and you will know. This a captivating and gruelling story of three teenagers who were lost in the Pacific Ocean for an incredible 51 days. A travel to the abysses of humanity that started with a bottle of Vodka.
→ Here Be Monsters (GQ)
A brilliant article on how books are changing in the digital age, both in how they are written and read. Craig Mod, a designer and book publisher (among other things), gives a detailed analysis of changing structures and argues that digital books unlock the magic of reading as "shared telepathy". Yes, that's right. Reading this thoughtful, inspiring and beautifully designed piece definitely makes you want to read digital books, heaps of them.
→ Post-Artifact Books and Publishing (Craig Mod)
Almost 216 million people, or 3.15% of the world population, live outside their home countries. More interesting, of course, is to see how many have moved from where to where. Design technologist Carlo Zapponi has put together heaps of data into a great and simple visualisation, living up to what I'd consider the maxim of data journalism, "using data to make a point". In one click, you'll find a list of emigration destinations and immigration origins for any given country.
→ Migration Flows Across the World (PeopleMovin)
The New York Times quite simply had the best package to reflect on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.
→ The Reckoning (New York Times)