Weekly Filet #176: Guest Butchers FTW. Volume 3.
1. Notes on Glitch (World Picture Journal)
A fascinating read into the art and subculture of glitches, which «...maintain a sense of the wilderness within the computer.»

Linda Liukas helps people understand our digital world and come to grips with programming. She is a co-founder of Rails Girls and Finland's Digital Champion for the EU. Currently, she is working on «Hello Ruby», a children's book on technology. Follow @lindaliukas on Twitter.
2. A Voice That Changed Radion (Studs Terkel Radio)
Terkel was a master interviewer, and some of these tapes are beautiful time capsules. For example, this interview with Shel Silverstein in 1961, conducted when Silverstein was only 30 and still «just» a Playboy cartoonist and songwriter. (His children's books would come a few years later.)

Austin Kleon calls himself «a writer who draws». He's the creator of those wonderful Newspaper Blackout Poems and author of «Steal Like An Artist» and «Show Your Work». Follow @austinkleon on Twitter.
3. Reading Rodney King/Reading Urban Uprising
Recommended read to, once again, reflect on #Ferguson and «white paranoia»: Patricia Williams' and Judith Butler's contributions in this collection of essays. It was published in 1993 after the riots in Los Angeles that were sparked when policemen had brutally beaten up a black man, Rodney King.

Carolin Emcke is a German reporter and essayist who writes for ZEIT Magazin. One of her most impressive works is the book «Von den Kriegen – Briefe an Freunde» (English: «Echoes of War – Letters from a War Reporter»). You should buy it. Follow @C_Emcke on Twitter.
4. The Strange & Curious Tale of the Last True Hermit (GQ)
GQ published an incredible story about the last true hermit (at least that we know of). The hermit, called Christopher Knight, had wandered the woods of Maine since 1986 and was captured in 2013 for theft. The journalist manages to make a connection with him in jail and wrote down a detailed description about his incredible lonely life in the woods. «With no audience, no one to perform for, I was just there. There was no need to define myself; I became irrelevant. The moon was the minute hand, the seasons the hour hand. I didn't even have a name. I never felt lonely. To put it romantically: I was completely free.»

Ernst-Jan Pfauth is the publisher of De Correspondent, a Dutch publication that embodies pretty much everything that's great about journalism on the web. He has a nice side-project called Writers at Work. Follow @ejpfauth on Twitter.
5. An Expedition for Everyone: Open Data in the Okavango (National Geographic)
The mission of the Okavango Wilderness Project is to secure the Okavango Delta and its vast untouched catchment in perpetuity. The National Geographic film Okavango is a rallying point for the global community of stakeholders, government officials, researchers, activists, tourism operators, community members, conservationists and guides that support the protection of the Angolan catchment.

Giorgia Lupi is a co-founder and the design director at information design agency Accurat, which produces some of the most stunning infographics far and wide. Follow @giorgialupi on Twitter.
6. Hello (Radiolab)
Standby for one of the most remarkable pieces of radio you will ever hear (even by Radiolab's extraordinarily high standards). «Hello» details communication experiments, cohabitation, drug-taking and even sexual relations between humans…and dolphins.

Adam Thomas is a great person to discuss the future of journalism with. He works as Chief of Product at Storyful. He's also the founder of the Berlin Hacks/Hackers chapter. And oh, a DJ as well. Follow @datatheism on Twitter.
* There have been 3 guest curated Weekly Filets to date. All those recommended links can be found in the archive in the Collection «Guest Butchers FTW».
* And here's a Twitter list of all guest butchers that have contributed links to the Weekly Filet over the years. All of them worth following, of course.
Have a nice weekend!