A city, ten times the size of NYC
+ Amazing Journeys, Future of Gender, Better Thinking (#372)
1. How Africa will become the center of the world’s urban future
The numbers are staggering: By 2100, Lagos is predicted to be home to 80 million people. A city ten times the size of current New York City. Of the 20 most populous cities in the world, 13 will be in Africa. This piece by The Washington Post offers an excellent deep dive into urban development, with portraits of five megacities (Lagos, Khartoum, Kinshasa, Mombasa, Abidjan).

Oh, and...you didn't think you'll get away without me mentioning this game of mine that keeps embarrassing everyone (including myself).
2. What Is Trauma-Informed Design?
Until this week, I had never heard of the term «trauma-informed» design. Glad this article changed that.