Andy Warhol's take on Cryptopunks and the value of everything

+ Pronouns, World Quiz, Radical Candor (#380)

Hi everyone. No intro today, we've got a lot of ground to cover. The usual five recommendations, and no fewer than eight instant-gratification links at the bottom. Enjoy!

1. Andy Warhol, Clay Christensen, and Vitalik Buterin walk into a bar

Here's a problem I have with the crypto space, from currencies to NFTs and whatever promises Web3 might hold. It's too big to ignore, and I know too little to form a firm opinion (hang on, that's not the problem yet). However, the space is dominated by obnoxious enthusiasts, criticism on the other hand is often rather one-dimensional. This essay by Tim O'Reilly helped me get a better understanding of one key aspect: What is value? Slightly tilted towards crypto-optimism, but measured in its argument. Standout quote: «In a world where more and more has become a commodity, things become valuable again because we mix in ideas that persuade people to value them differently.»

Andy Warhol, Clay Christensen, and Vitalik Buterin walk into a bar

2. Beyond pronouns: How languages are reshaping to include nonbinary and gender-nonconforming people

Come for the beautiful, subtle design, stay for...the beautiful, subtle design and a tour du monde of gender inclusive language. There's a bit of historical context, on why inclusive language matters and how people argue against it, but it's mostly about the manifold challenges different languages face in becoming gender inclusive.

Gender and language
The movement to recognize a spectrum of genders is changing languages around the world.