The man who couldn't stop collecting secrets
101 things we take for granted, and a monumental game turns 10. (#484)
101 things we take for granted, and a monumental game turns 10. (#484)
What AI can do for you. Why Donald Trump remains popular. And more. (#483)
Podcasts, Climate Crisis, and The Art of Thinking (Differenly).
How doing nothing saved one man's life. And: What we know about the climate, our future and our options. (#482)
Also, the World Capital of Endangered Languages (#481)
Why Don’t We Just Ban Fossil Fuels? (#480)
War in Ukraine, the World's smartest animal, and the incentives ChatGPT reacts to the most (#479)
Your brain needs a really good lawyer (#478)
Tipping points, friendships, and other challenges in life. (#477)
We'll increasingly be defined by what we say no to. (#476)
In the same issue: How to die and how to live. Oh, and the story of liquid death. (#475)
Easy mode is actually for adults (#474)