Weekly Filet #11: A Connection between Japan and Libya. And more.
Weekly Filet #10: Japan Earthquake. And more.
Weekly Filet #9: Poetic Pacman in the Sky. And more.
Weekly Filet #8: My Libya Anger Management. And more.
Weekly Filet #7: Chatting with fake humans. And more.
Weekly Filet #6: Erupting Societies. And more.
Weekly Filet #5: Making Sense of Egypt. And more.
Weekly Filet #4: Dealing With Assange. And more.
Weekly Filet #3: The Curious Case of the Human Race. And more.
Weekly Filet #2: The Chess Genius From Uganda's Slums. And more.
Weekly Filet #1: What's Next For Wikileaks. And more.
Weekly Filet #1 is out. You can view it in your browser [http://www.davidbauer.ch/2011/01/07/weekly-filet-1-wikileaks/] or right below. This week's top recommendation Wikileaks: this topic has been all over us for the past six weeks. We nearly forgot about Christmas - hadn'