Seeking Danger
Food labels, paper airplanes, and a guide to being feminist (#446)
Before we get to this week's recommendations, a quick reminder:
What book changed your perspective on something important? Final chance to add your recommendation to the ever growing list of books submitted by your fellow Weekly Filet readers.
1. Why Men Seek Danger
I really enjoyed this conversation with longtime war reporter Sebastian Junger. You sense now profoundly his views on war have been shaped by decades of experience, and he's never shy about getting personal or using choice words. Gave me a lot to think about.

2. Food expiration dates don’t mean what you think
So much food waste could be prevented if more people knew how to interpret expiration date labels. A great short video on what those labels mean, and what they don't. For a deeper diver into the topic, I highly re-recommend this Planet Money episode from last spring.

3. ​​Did people fly paper airplanes before real airplanes were invented?
Fascinating story: Paper airplanes were actually invented before real airplanes. And to make things even weirder: The first paper airplanes got something about the wings right that early attempts at real airplanes got wrong.