Take this advice
The anniversary issue (#300)
1. 68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice
Advice accepted. Some really great bits, both for your personal and professional selves. Read it now.
2. How Long Will a Vaccine Really Take?
Ever since it became apparent that Covid-19 will be major threat, we keep hearing that only a vaccine will put a definitive end to it. An excellent piece that explains, essentially in one graphic, what an enormous feat it will be to shorten the timeline of coming up with a vaccine against this coronavirus – so we have it earlier than what would typically be 2036 (yes, not a typo). Read it now.
The Weekly Filet is made possible by the people who support it with a membership. If you like what I do (and would love to see another 300 issues), please consider joining them. Learn more.
3. Why the Coronavirus Is So Confusing
It’s probably quite telling that, a couple months into this crisis, the article that sums it up best is one that reminds us that there is so much we don’t know. «We crave simple narratives, but the pandemic offers none.» Thus, highly recommended: A guide to making sense of a problem that is now too big for any one person to fully comprehend. Read it now.
4. The world is on lockdown. So where are all the carbon emissions coming from?
The current lockdown is also a reminder that people changing their personal habits in order to slow climate change will never be enough. Not even close. Read it now.
5. A Scalable Approach to Reducing Gender Bias in Google Translate
Up until recently, the world’s most used translation engine reproduced and reinforced gender bias. «My friend is a doctor» doesn’t specify gender, but when translating to German or Spanish, Google turned the doctor into a man. No more. Here’s how they taught their algorithm to avoid gendered translations. Read it now.
What else?
- Jónsi, lead singer of Icelandic post-pop band Sigur Rós, has released a new single. And it’s everything.
- New Yorker Cartoon: Setting reasonable goals during a crisis.
- Comeback of the year: Birgitte Nyborg.
- Happysad pictures: Spanish children released from lockdown
- Throwback to when I had the Weekly Filet website tested by a drunk user™.
- No matter if you’re drunk or sober: You might enjoy going through some of my past recommendations, dating back as far as 2011.
- Thanks for sticking with me. You’re awesome. Onwards!