The most important decision for your life
+ How we fixed the ozone layer, How to be a girl (#361)
1. This is your most important decision
I had never thought of it that way: «Your choice of career is the most important ethical decision of your life.»
80’000 Hours is a non-profit that helps people figure out how they can best use their career to help solve the world’s most pressing problems. In this new article, they offer a framework anyone can use to make career decisions. Four factors define your impact:
- How pressing (or neglected) the problems you focus on are.
- How effective the solutions you pursue are.
- The amount of leverage you can apply to those solutions.
- Your personal fit for the path

2. How we fixed the ozone layer
«The most impressive example of international cooperation on any challenge in history» — What can we learn from how humanity dealt with the depleted ozone layer for tackling the climate crisis? The historical perspective provides valuable insights. However, as the author points out, there is one key difference: Just like with the climate crisis, rich countries contributed most to causing the problem. Unlike with the climate crisis, they also had the most to lose if it didn’t get fixed. Honi soit qui mal y pense…

3. How To Be A Girl: The Medical Stuff
Longtime subscribers might remember this wonderful podcast: The story of a six-year-old child, born as a boy, who knew she was a girl from the age of three. Regular updates ended in early 2019, but now there’s an update. On the onset of puberty and what that means for a transgender child.

4. To protect the world’s wildlife we must improve crop yields – especially across Africa
The bad news: If things remain unchanged, by 2050 we need additional cropland the size of India and Germany combined to feed a world population of then ~10 billion people. The habitats of thousands of species would be destroyed. The good news: With the right measures taken, we can feed 10 billion people while reducing current land use for crops by the area of India and Germany combined. Insightful analysis.

5. We Need to Talk About Qatar
«F***. We woke up too late. I woke up too late.» A remarkable essay by Tim Sparv, captain of Finland’s men’s soccer team.

Bonus: Was wir wirklich über gesundes Essen wissen
In German, but you can always try Google Translate. Über Essen und Ernährung zu lesen ist meistens frustrierend: Ständig neue Ratschläge, die auf wackliger Evidenz stehen, in der Summe nur verwirren und einem jede Freude am Essen nehmen. Nicht so dieser Zweiteiler: Ich hab mich selten so gut informiert gefühlt und gleichzeitig Lust zu kochen (und essen!) bekommen. Teil 1, Teil 2.
What else?
- A good reason to be excited about the future.
- Love this idea: Read one book from every country on Earth, write a newsletter about it.
- The Economist’s estimate for the pandemic’s true death toll: currently ~15.4 million (vs. 4.6 million officially reported)
- Probably the funniest guy on TikTok right now (especially if you love linguistics and hate the English language).
- «All work looks easier at distance.» — Michael Lopp
- «It's impossible to please everyone. The question is whether you're disappointing the right people.» — Adam Grant
Thanks for reading. Have a nice weekend!
— David 👋