Trust, for sale
The future of meat, imagined by AI. The topography of tears. And more. (#467)
1. Revealed: how top PR firm uses ‘trust barometer’ to promote world’s autocrats
People living in autocracies tend to trust their governments more than people living in democracies do. Says the «Trust Barometer» that is widely quoted as a reputable source. The «Trust Barometer» by Edelman, that is, the world's biggest public relations firm. Which happens to be paid millions by some autocracies to help them guessed it.

2. Writing with AI
«A writing app that thinks for you is a robot that does your jogging.» Writing is thinking. So what happens when we outsource some of our writing to AI tools? Well, it depends. I really liked these deliberations from the makers of iA Writer, as they face the inevitable question: How should a writing app deal with AI? This is part two of a series of three articles. Part three has the reveal with the path they chose.

3. Fodor’s No List 2024
As the lists of «places to visit in 2024» are rolling in, consider this one instead. Fodor's No List prompts you to reconsider some usual favourites. Not because they are overrated. «We love these destinations. And we know you love them, too. But our frenzied admiration and incessant need to experience them are not sustainable.»