👋 Welcome, curious mind! Before we begin...

4 tips for a smooth start with the Weekly Filet, and a special offer

Hi, I’m David, your diligent curator of all great things on the web. I’ve been writing this newsletter for more than 10 years, and it still brings me joy whenever new people sign up. So, great to have you!

Some quick notes to make sure you’re all set. Plus something great to read even before the first issue hits your inbox.

1. Never miss an issue because of bad tech

Newsletters sometimes end up in people’s spam folders, or in «Promotions», «Clutter» or whatever your email provider calls it. To avoid this, add david@weeklyfilet.com to your contacts and move the newsletter into your main inbox if the first issue doesn't land there. Need help? Follow these instructions.

2. What to expect

Every Friday, I send out the Weekly Filet with my personal recommendations on what to read, watch and listen to. I try to always find a good mix of things that challenge and delight a curious mind. If you'd like learn more how I select them, check this.

3. Support & Benefit

The Weekly Filet is a one man effort. A loyal community of paying members keeps me going and enables all my work. In return, they get the extended version of the newsletter, and no ads, ever.

You can upgrade when the time is right for you. If you’re ready to commit right now, you get a 25% discount.

4. Get in touch

I love hearing from my readers. You can hit reply on any email that you get from me, to give feedback, to ask questions, to send inputs, or just to say Hi. I will always reply.

5. That’s it — now let's read something great

You’re all set. I'm looking forward to sending you the first Weekly Filet after the break. In the meantime: Have a look at some of the all-time best links, or try the Gem Shuffle for a surprise.

See you soon.
David 👋