A profound feeling of...what?
+ The meaning of life, Making remote work work, One of the coolest applications of augmented reality I've seen so far (#402)
The week in one emoji: 🤩
This is David, your diligent curator, and you're reading the Weekly Filet for another carefully curated set of the best things to read, watch and listen to. It's great to have you.
Good news first: This week, you get the extended version of the newsletter — the parts marked 🔓 are usually reserved for paying members.
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In case you've missed it on Sunday: Five stories that will make you feel a bit better about the world, guest curated by Peter Yeung.
1. Gawking in Awe at the Universe, Together
I'm sure you've seen the images. The Webb telescope allows us to see the universe like never before. What did looking at the images make you feel? For me, after that initial burst of sheer amazement, a weird mix of feeling infinitely small and yet connected at the same time. I love how Shannon Stirone has put this moment into words.

2. Piercing the Void
For more mind-bending context on the James Webb Space Telescope:
- I highly recommend this 11-minute documentary on how it came to be, how it works and what it will enable us to explore many years from now.
- A direct comparison with the best images we had so far from the Hubble telescope
- Zoom all the way out to understand the tiny sliver of the universe the Webb telescope captured. We're looking at trillions of star systems and we ain't seen nothing yet.
3. Lifestyles
«The quality of your life is shaped by whom you want to impress» — what the story of a sailing challenge in 1968 can teach us about priorities in life.
🔓 4. The Biggest Problem With Remote Work
Remote work is here to say. And yet we've barely started to innovate and redesign organisations around it. This piece focuses on three major challenges (1. It's good for established employees but it's often hard for new workers. 2. It's good for experienced groups but worse for building new teams. 3. It's good for settled strategies but worse for new ideas) and makes the case for a new type of manager.

🔓 5. Humans Have Always Been Wrong About Humans
The book had been near the top of my maybe-read-next pile for quite some time. This review finally made me want to read it right now. «At a time when much nonfiction hugs the shore of TED-star consensus to argue that things are either good or bad, The Dawn of Everything takes to the open sea to argue that things are, above all, subject to change.»

🔓 What else?
- One of the coolest applications of augmented reality I've seen
- I bet this podcast will be great: Book Exploder, «where authors break down a passage from their work to show us how they write»
- The makers of the best writing app are reinventing slideshows (I've seen the beta and I'm impressed)
- Kids against light pollution
- 🎧 Let's Dance 🎶
- Adjust your priors: India is set to surpass China in 2023 as the world’s most populous nation
Have a nice weekend. See you next Friday!
— David 👋
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