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David Bauer
Weekly Filet #141: Hold Your Breath for 9 Meter. And more.
Weekly Filet #140: Why We Love Lists, In a List (With a Twist). And more.
Weekly Filet #139: You're Passive-Aggressive And You Don't Know It. And more.
Weekly Filet #138: Killing Kennedy. And more.
Weekly Filet #137: Why Obama Is Failing. And more.
Weekly Filet #136: A Case Against Specialists. And more.
Weekly Filet #135: The Battle for Power on the Internet. And more.
Weekly Filet #134: Murakami's Sequel to Kafka's Metamorphosis. And more.
Weekly Filet #133: A Relentless Text Editor You'll Love. And more.
Weekly Filet #132: Here to Kill Your Productivity. And more.
Weekly Filet #131: The Age of The World Target. And more.
Weekly Filet #130: The Pulse of New York City. And more.
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