Friendships are hard
+ How the war in Ukraine is changing the world and why we need to pay more attention to artificial intelligence. (#406)
+ How the war in Ukraine is changing the world and why we need to pay more attention to artificial intelligence. (#406)
Let's try something new, shall we? By the end of the year, I'd like to have at least one reader in every country on Earth. This community of readers is large and strong enough that I think we can make it happen, together. As of this
+ Shattered dreams of immortality, 20 Questions for self-reflecion, a bingeworthy podcast (#405)
+ One of the most moving articles I've ever read (#404)
Five highlights from the year so far, two book recommendations and a podcast to binge on
Five highlights from the year so far, two book recommendations and a podcast to binge on.
+ The world's top thinkers, The universe for laypeople, How to be more creative (#403)
+ The meaning of life, Making remote work work, One of the coolest applications of augmented reality I've seen so far (#402)
guest curated
๐โโ๏ธ Guest curated by Peter Yeung, award-winning freelance journalist.
+ An impossible riddle, Nuclear scenarios, Absurd trolley problems (#401)
How to stop abortions, new solutions for the climate crisis, dealing with imposter syndrome, and more...
+ Green steel, AI revealed, Mothers in the hottest city on earth (#399)